May 9, 2023
Bags for our Brothers & Sisters
Because of your donations, we were able to distribute to:Our Veterans (Men & Women), 2 Foster Care Homes, Men & Women transitional Home, & A Halfway House for Men.God bless all of you for your help!!! We were able to package a total of 235 care packages this years 2020.
Our most recent Outreach
WCM and Greater New Bethel, COGIC distributed 400 bottlles of water & 200 Snack bags on August 5, 2023, to our Homeless Brothers & Sisters.
We were able to give out Hot dogs & 500 hundred bags to our Homeless Brothers & Sisters in August 2022.
We were able to give a $200 gift card to
Foster Children in Tucson Dec. 2021
Also, we gave a $200 gift card to the Montijo Family in Casa Grande, AZ.
We have donated: writing paper, pencils, glue sticks, backpacks, dolls, socks & folders. During the week of October 3-9, 2021, we also donated 25 dolls and under wear for girls.
We gave away 156 backpacks to our
community in July 2021
We donated to Kettey's Exchange. She has a school in Ghana, Africa that house just under 200 hundred boys and girls.
Scottsdale Seville
7001 N. Scottsdale Road
Suite C-143
Scottsdale, AZ 85253
WOMEN's Bags
BOY'S Bags
Our efforts to solve the problems in our communities and families in need is not possible unless we have the cooperation of our communities. War Cry Ministries is actively trying to create solutions and solve the problems that our communities are facing. We help organizations that provide services and we help distribute food, clothing, & any other desperately needed supplies to our Veterans, children & their families. Your outreach will help us reach those in our communities and abroad who are in need. War Cry Ministries can’t thank you enough for your generosity.
Dr. Art Malone, Jr. of AMJ donated 2500 N95 Mask to War Cry Ministries
Girl's Bags
Men's Bags